Plant And People LaboratoryNEIGHBORHOOD Growns Comfort

NEIGHBORHOOD‘s latest drop contains the bare necessities for the care of plants and people. Plant-care accessories include storage solutions and plywood surfaces from THOR, a Toyo Steel tool wagon, an aluminum toolbox, plant spray, wooden bases from WARLOCK and gardening gloves. All from NEIGHBORHOOD‘s SPECIMEN RESEARCH LABORATORY (SRL). For people-care there are VANS SK8-hi incense chamber vases, RETAW fabric liquid sprays and various incense sticks. People gonna be happy when things smell and feel nice.


NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL Sprinkle / P-Spray' – Orange  NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL Sprinkle / P-Spray' – Orange  NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL / S-TOOL Wagon' – Black  NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL / S-TOOL Wagon' – Black  NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL THOR / W-TOP BOARD-L' – Natural  NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL THOR 53 P-TOTES CONTAINER' – Grey  NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL / S-TOOL BOX T190' – Black  NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL / S-TOOL BOX T190' – Black  NEIGHBORHOOD x VANS 'SK8-HI INcence Chamber / CE-Vase' – Black  NEIGHBORHOOD x VANS 'SK8-HI INcence Chamber / CE-Vase' – White  NEIGHBORHOOD x VANS 'SK8-HI INcence Chamber / CE-Vase' – Black  NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL / S-TOOL BOX Y350' – Black  NEIGHBORHOOD 'SRL / S-TOOL BOX Y350' – Black  NEIGHBORHOOD 'Number One / Fabric Liquid' 


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